Art and Creativity Camps for Teens

[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””]Camp Create

JUNE 24-27, 2019

ArtStart’s 2019 Camp Create is geared for youth ages 13 years and older who want to explore their artist within as they work side-by-side with professional artists to create art inspired by a specific culture. Designed to inspire creativity, these classes encourage you to think outside of the box, see people and things with new eyes, and explore a variety of ideas and media through the arts.

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Circle the dates

Mt. Zion
1300 Summit Ave.
Saint Paul, MN

Ages: 13-15 years

Half Day: $ 140
Full Day: $ 260


Scholarships available.


Kahlo: A Woman Surrealist
Frida Kahlo considered one of Mexico’s greatest artists is known as a surrealist painter. Her self-portraits are bold and vibrant filled with symbolism and hidden meaning. Work with artist Karen Anderson to learn about Kahlo’s life and ideas and how to unlock her beautiful works of art. Then draw and paint your own self-portrait incorporating imaginative images and symbolism meaningful to you on canvas board.

Creatures Out of a Dream
The Zapotec people, indigneous to the southern state of Oaxaca, are known for wooden carvings of animals or alebrijes. A cross between real and legendary beasts, alebrijes are painted with brilliant colors in the Oaxacan folk art tradition. Work with artist Laurie Witzkowski to create your own alebrijes out of paper mache and paint your creature with vibrant colors.

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AFTERNOON 12:30-3:30 PM
Danza de los Viejitos
Danza de los Viejitos is a traditional Michoacan folk dance in which dancers dress and move as old men. Work with artist Gustavo Boada to create an old man mask with intricately carved features. Next design your costume–a colorful poncho and sombrero decorated with ribbons. Add a cane, learn the movements, and take the stage!

A Good Yarn
Nierikas are traditional yarn paintings made by the Huichol people and are both functional and beautiful. Natural glue, made from tree resin and beeswax, is applied to a board. The yarn is pressed into it and left to harden. Designs and symbols on the Nierikas are based on the natural world. Work with artist Julie Boada to create your own Huichol yarn painting.


Paying it Forward

One of the ways older ArtStart campers can turn their knowledge and skill learned in Camp CREATE into action, is to assist artists and staff as interns in ArtStart’s Passport to Mexico camp for younger children ages 4-12 years. The internship program is for youth ages 13 years & older. Interns work side-by-side with professional teaching artists to assist in the classroom. There are 16 openings for full-day internships this year.

Interns receive $125 for one week of service. Interns can choose to intern the week of July 8-12 or July 15-19. Both new and returning interns must fill out an application to be considered for the internship, as well as register for Camp Create for the full day June 24-27, 2019. Interns must attend the camp for a full day.

Deadline to apply is April 26, 2019.

Finally, all interns must participate in a training on Tuesday, July 2 from 9 am to 3 pm at Mt. Zion Temple, Saint Paul to meet with artists and to help set up the camp.

Register for a full-day of Camp Create

• Fill out an internship application by April 26, 2019

• Be available from 8:15 am-4:15 pm daily to intern during the week you choose to participate (July 8-12 or July 15-19)

• Participate in intern training on July 2 from 9 am-3 pm

Handicap Accessible

ASL interpreter available upon request


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