Arts + E-STEM Educator Workshop

We All Live Down Stream: A Watershed Experience.

Tuesday June 18 – Thursday June 20, 2019
9 am to 3:30 pm daily

Cost: Registration fee is $25 to process the application.
Once you complete the workshop, you will receive a $100 stipend.
Registration Deadline: JUNE 7, 2019!

Who should attend the workshop?
K-12 general classroom educators and specialists who are interested in increasing student engagement in environmental science through significant experiences in the arts.

Where is the workshop held?
The 3-day workshop will be spent at
the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge located at 3815 American Blvd E.
Bloomington, MN 55425, an urban environmental center.

What will participants do at
the Educator Workshop?

Gain an increased appreciation of the connections between the arts and environmental science around the topic of watershed stewardship.

Explore the natural setting of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge with naturalists and artists – the Minnesota River wetlands, the bass ponds and pollinator prairie.

Participate in hands-on water quality experiments that are replicable in the classroom.

Participate in daily creative writing and visual arts experiences led by teaching artists that model integration of art, poetry and environmental science and are directly applicable to the classroom.

Gain access to a myriad of print and media resources including River EcoJourneys, an arts-based watershed curriculum, MVNWR lessons plans, DNR posters, technology apps, and more that inform the topic of watershed stewardship and the arts.

In Collaboration with the MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge

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