Between Water & Sky

Between Water and Sky

JUNE 11-JULY 6, 2018 • 8:30-3:30 PM

PUBLIC ART: “Wasted” installed at the London Design Festival

How do the arts promote environmental stewardship?

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED . . . What skills and processes do artists and naturalists share in common?
Where do artists find inspiration for new work?
What is the role of the artist in addressing environmental issues?
How do you start to make a personal statement about issues like climate change, water scarcity, and habitat loss?

Between Water and Sky is a four-week summer mentorship program in which 15 youth ages 14-17 years explore these questions working side-by-side with professional naturalists and artists-a composer, poet and visual artists at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge (MVNWR).

The goal of Between Water and Sky is create a public art work that integrates environmental learning with composed sound sources, poetry and visual arts and that serves as a commentary on climate change and global warming. The public art work is showcased at MVNWR.

PUBLIC ART: “Eco Factor” installed in New York City to raise awareness that each second in the United States 1500 water bottles are consumed

Annual consumption of plastic bottles is set to
top half a trillion by 2021, far outstripping recycling efforts and jeopardizing oceans, coastlines and other environments.

Join visual artists Julie Boada, Gustavo Boada, Anne Sawyer-Aitch, Jeanette Dickinson, poet Marie Olofstotter, composer Michael Croswell, and naturalist, Larry Wade for a 4-week mentorship project that immerses you in nature and the arts. Throughout our time together you will experience:

Creating A Shared Vision
Get to know fellow participants, their hopes and dreams, skills, talents, and interests as you explore the ecology of the Minnesota River using handmade journals, digital phones, or digital cameras. Participate in daily reflection on your experiences led by the artists and naturalists.

Exploring Nature at the Refuge
Participate in environmental field experiences exploring the wetlands, floodplain, and forests of the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Conduct water quality experiments; Anne Sawyer-Aitch study bird and animal habitat; learn about the symbiotic relationship between pollinators and plants; meet naturalists and naturalist interns from the MVNWR and learn about what they do at the Refuge to sustain habitat for wildlife and educate the public.
Gustavo Boada The Refuge is located in Bloomington on the Minnesota River and is easily accessible by the Metro Blue Line

Exploring the Artistic Process
Work daily to record discoveries and observations during environmental field experiences in your handmade journals. Examine the concept of public art and look at artists’ works that integrate multiple art forms around environmental issues; imagine possibilities for art projects; collect sound sources and experiment with sound electronically; Larry Wade create different poetic forms, and, combine traditional and non-traditional art materials learning skills and techniques to get the desired effect.

Examining Social Justice Issues: the Environment
Meet with MVNWR naturalists and other environmental Michael Croswellexperts to explore the issues of global warming and climate change. Consider the impact on Minnesota wildlife, water sources, habitat and people. Discuss how environmental degradation is a social justice issue and what actions each of us can take to preserve our earth for other generations.

Creating Public Art that Integrates Multiple Art Forms
Design and plan a public art work that incorporates multiple art forms-music/sound sources, poetry, and art; Jeanette Dickinsonchoose sound and art materials that symbolize and communicate the message; experiment integrating different art forms; edit and refine ideas; create a public art installation.
Name the work and develop an artistic statement that is displayed along side the art installation.

Celebrating Our Creative Collective Voice
JULY 6, 2018 • TIME TBD

Join artists, naturalists, family and friends to celebrate the unveiling of the public art installation. Enjoy refreshments and receive your stipend.

• Youth who care about what is happening to the environment and want an outlet to express their voice through art
Julie Boada
• Youth who have an interest or talent in creating art, poetry, or music or all three art forms

• Youth who like to collaborate with others

• Youth who can commit to all 4 weeks of the project, including the celebration on July 6

• Youth who could not ordinarily have access to project like this because of finances

Applicants need to apply in writing using the form on this page to be Marie Olofstotter considered for the mentorship. They will also need to provide a recommendation and attend an interview with the program coordinator. The stipend for the 4-week internship is up to $500 depending on daily attendance and participation.


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